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April 21, 2021

| 2 min read

Introducing Contactless Jewelry Shopping with AR Technology

Introducing Contactless Jewelry Shopping with AR Technology

The world is witnessing a lockdown, which may or may not lift up anytime soon, and has already instilled the fear of transmission and the habit of social distancing in everyone. In light of the current scenario, our team has been working hard to build an Augmented Reality product called mirrAR for the Jewelry industry to keep customers engaged during this difficult time. The solutions provided should not just be seen as problem-solvers for the situation at hand, but also as long-term process upgrades that will help you get closer to your consumers in the post lockdown world.

1. Limited access to the physical inventory

As a safety measure, all physical inventory that is touched or tried on at your store will need to be sanitized. Introduce your customers to a contactless & virtual try-on to ensure that they touch limited inventory before they make their final selection. Sanitizing digital screens will be much easier and safer than sanitizing every Jewelry piece every time it is touched.

2. Restrict the number of people at the store

Social distancing is the need of the hour. Have a limited number of people enter the store including the sales team. You should place multiple tablets at 2 meters distance from each other that have mirrAR installed in them so that the sales team will not have to attend to every customer. You can direct your customers to come, try-on your pieces virtually, pick & choose, and then request for the final selection of designs that they like and wish to buy.

3. Make customers try at home

Remember that your customers are scared to step out of their homes, so give them the comfort of trying your latest designs from their homes. Integrate mirrAR in your website (webAR.styledotme.com) or share the links of your Jewelry designs through mirrAR’s try at home mobile app.

If you’d like more information on how you could be part of the contactless try-on revolution, please feel free to reach out to our team at mirrar@styledotme.com! We will be happy to guide esteemed partners like you through our processes and solutions.

Take care & stay safe!

Lots of love,

Team mirrAR

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